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Server Manager). Log into the client with the user account you just created, and you will see the Reports view. Because we haven t scanned anything yet, there aren t any reports to view. In order to scan a target, you ll need to define a policy. A scanning policy defines options like types of scan and range of ports to use, and also which plug-ins to use. Each plug-in typically corresponds to a specific vulnerability. Enabling fewer plug-ins will speed up scans, since the scanner will not take the time to perform disabled probes. For example, if you re scanning a Mac OS X Server system, you can probably disable the Cisco plug-in family. NOTE: Care should be taken with disabling plug-ins. If you disable a scan for a vulnerability that actually exists on one of your systems you could inadvertently leave an exploitable vulnerability on your system. To define a policy, click on Policies, and then click Add. Under General, give your policy a name and select your scanning options. The Credentials tab lets you enter user credentials for the system to be scanned. Nessus will use those credentials to check for vulnerabilities that can be exploited by valid users. The Plug-ins tab is where you can enable or disable the plug-ins, and the Preferences tab lets you configure some options for enabled plugins. See Figure 17 4.

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1. I feel bound to say immediately that I was never much of a fan of such pictures. E/R diagrams in particular, while they can be useful for explicating the structure of the database at a high intuitive level, are virtually incapable of representing integrity constraints (except for a few special cases including foreign key constraints in particular that are admittedly important in practice). So far as I m concerned, by contrast, database design is really all about specifying integrity constraints! that is, database design is constraint definition. I ve elaborated on this argument in a recent book (WHAT Not HOW: The Business Rules Approach to Application Development, Addison-Wesley, 2000) and elsewhere. 2. As the following extract shows, I do believe the term model can be given a sensible meaning in appropriate contexts (see the next section for further discussion). The trouble is, it s often used in contexts that are utterly inappropriate, with meanings or intended meanings that can only be guessed at.

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Once you have defined a policy, you can create a scan and select your targets. There are multiple options for defining a target (see Figure 17 5). These options can give security auditors a more granular approach to scanning. You can scan a single host, and range of IP addresses, a subnet with CIDR notation, or a fully-qualified domain name. You can also import a text file containing a list of hosts defined in the same fashion.

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A data model in the second sense is like a specific program written in the language referred to in the previous paragraph In other words, a data model in the second sense takes the facilities provided by some model in the first sense and applies them to some specific problem; it is a model of the persistent data of some particular enterprise It can be regarded as a specific application of some model in the first sense The subject article s use of the term data model in the sentence quoted above ( The UML does not explicitly include a data model .. in the object world ) refers, I think, to the first of these two senses But then it says that it ie, the data model would better be called a persistence model! A data model is a model of data ...

When decoupling the client from the server, you can create the content on either side independently. You can develop the client using technologies such as DHTML and JavaScript. Within the client, you can code references to services offered by the client. The client-side code provides an infrastructure where the content generated by the services can be injected. The client and server interact with each other using contracts. Using contracts, you can develop the client independently and test it using mock objects. Using contracts, you can develop the server independently and test it using tests from a test suite. Then when the client is combined with the server, the application will work without requiring a large amount of further testing. Of course, this assumes that the tests for the client and server are implemented properly normal testing is often also required. Having decoupled the client from the server, you can easily modularize and delegate the implementation work to individual team members. Allowing each team member to focus on the task makes it possible to specialize and create innovative content. For example, delegating the database work to the server allows a client developer to make more use of graphics and innovative representations of the data generated by the service. Delegating the UI work from the server to the client side makes it possible for the server developer to focus on database optimization and access speeds.

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